Your tax-deductible gift today is to raise funds for our Veritas Centre refurbishment to help our students be ready for life after school, feel empowered and be part of the community.

St Lucy’s students aspire to be thriving young people with the skills to live independently. The exciting new facilities planned for our upcoming Veritas Centre refurbishment will provide students with essential learning spaces to prepare them for a life with purpose.

St Lucy’s students need purpose-built, adapted facilities to engage in specialist learning and to participate fully in a dynamic and meaningful curriculum, preparing them for a life of purpose. The new Veritas Centre facilities will create many opportunities for our young people to discover what they are passionate about. New specialist facilities include a gym, hospitality kitchen and dining room. In these spaces, students will engage to learn life-long skills and build confidence to prepare for their life after school.

Your tax-deductible gift will help to build a range of essential learning spaces for our young people including:

• Vocational Education and Training (VET) Kitchen 
• New Student First Aid Clinic 
• Student Gym 
• Residential Life Skills Room
• High School Specialist Elective Room
• Resources for reading

Books and reading are a fundamental part of a student’s learning journey. Through our Reading Program Year 6 student Matthew is curious, social and deeply engaged in reading.

This is why Matthew and his peers need a purpose-built library facility where they can be inspired to learn, develop and demonstrate their capabilities.

The new Veritas Centre facilities will create many opportunities for our young people to discover what they are passionate about. The new and improved resources will provide students what they need to participate in exciting new areas of the curriculum, and to build confidence for their life after school.  

“I want to personally say thank you for getting me into reading when I was a young student. I remember it all, with a special recollection of my favourites. Your encouragement made a very positive difference in my life and far into my future.
Reading helped grow my creativity as an artist (I’m an artist btw).”

Peter Murad, St Lucy’s Alumni

With new facilities, St Lucy’s students will have the resources they need to develop skills which are meaningful and fulfilling. New facilities will promote good health, workplace skills and knowledge, artistic pursuits, self-care, daily life skills and more.

“By offering a well-rounded education, innovative teaching and learning, and a rich curriculum augmented by excellent learning spaces, St Lucy’s is preparing and inspiring students for an exciting future.” David Raphael, Principal

Through ambitious fundraising for major builds, we are on the path to realising our vision for St Lucy’s and we have more to do to make education for our students the very best that it can be.

With the support of donors, like you, we can make great things happen for our students.

To provide these new facilities, which our students deserve, St Lucy’s is asking for your help with these much-needed resources and refurbishments that will be tailored to our students’ needs. This will help our students be ready for life after school, feel empowered and be part of the community