St Lucy's School

A community enriched by difference

Wellbeing and Emergency Contacts

In an Emergency
Please call 000 or go to a hospital emergency department, where they may refer you to a mental health and/or drug and alcohol service
NSW Police (non-emergency)
131 444​
Mental Health Line
1800 011 511
Child Protection Helpline
13 2111 (NSW)
Carers Emergency Respite
call 1800 052 222
1300 1300 52
Carer Gateway Contact Centre
1800 422 737
Emergency Respite – Call your local Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre if you need emergency respite
1800 052 222 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm 1800 059 059 for After hours
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
13 11 14
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
Health Direct Australia
24-hour telephone health advice line staffed by Registered Nurses to provide expert health advice. 1800 022 222