St Lucy's School

A community enriched by difference

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

The wellbeing of our students and their family is key to our work.

All of our staff play an active role in the wellbeing of our students and families. We understand that family lives can often be stressful. This can be further impacted by having a child with a disability. We aim to support our families to have the most positive experience both at school and at home.


We have a School Psychologist/School Counsellor on staff to help support our students, families and our staff to implement positive strategies to enhance psychological wellbeing and positive mental health.

The whole staff of St Lucy’s gives emphasis to the wellbeing of students, including:

  • being attentive to the emotional as well as physical well-being of students
  • Proactively working on students social and emotional learning
  • ongoing communication with families regarding progress and challenges of students
  • involvement of specialist staff including School Psychologist/School Counsellor, Family Support Worker, and therapy team

Pastoral Care and Religious Education Coordinator

Pastoral Care is implicit in the Gospel and Dominican values which guide and direct the life of St Lucy’s School. This applies not only to the students and families, but also to the extended families and staff who are connected with St Lucy’s.

The whole staff of St Lucy’s gives emphasis to the pastoral care of students, including:

  • modelling the Christian values
  • encouragement of mutual support via class parent networking
  • Social events at the school
  • Representing the school at special religious ceremonies

Family Support

St Lucy’s employs a Family Support worker to provide ongoing practical support to families and staff. This includes:

  • facilitating a support group for discussion and networking
  • assisting in identifying and accessing support services outside the school
  • Supporting families with the NDIS process
  • supporting families in times of crisis via meetings, phone calls, emails and attendance in times of grief
  • coordination of provision of meals to families in times of difficulty
  • In partnership with the Therapy team, facilitates free information evenings on a range of topics relevant to the needs of the students and families of St Lucy’s
  • Providing a directory of useful information and support options
  • Facilitating Service Expos

Sacramental Program at St Lucy's

St Lucy’s has not only become home for my two kids who attend but to my whole family. St Lucy’s is a school where kids can be themselves, explore, learn and grow. It’s a safe space for them to gain independence.

The staff, teachers, aides, and volunteers, are what make this school so special. Their dedication to helping each child achieve their individual goals and be the best they can be, makes us feel so supported and hopeful for their futures. This is the support and community our family never knew we needed! St Lucy’s you are amazing!

St Lucy’s parent