St Lucy's School

A community enriched by difference

Family Support

St Lucy’s is a community not just a school and we understand that the whole family needs to be supported through the schooling journey.

All of our staff play an active role in the wellbeing of our students and families. We understand that family lives can often be stressful and our main aim is to support our families to have the most positive experience both at school and at home.

We have a School Psychologist/School Counsellor on staff to help support our students, families and our staff to help implement positive strategies to enhance psychological wellbeing.

St Lucy’s employs a Family Support worker to provide ongoing practical support to families and staff. This includes:

• Facilitating a support group for discussion and companionship
• Assisting in identifying and accessing support services outside the school
• Supporting families in times of crisis via meetings, phone calls, emails and attendance in times of grief
• Coordination of provision of meals to families in times of difficulty
• Social events at the school
• Representing the school at special religious ceremonies
• In partnership with the Educational Support Services team, the facilitation of free information evenings on a range of topics relevant to the needs of the children and families of St Lucy’s.

We have a number of online resources to help you, click here for more information.

Recently attended a Post School Expo at St Lucy’s School. It was so well organised, not an overwhelming amount of service providers, but a well thought out selection. It was wonderful to see the teachers and staff collecting information about all the services. The teachers spend so much of their time with our children and we value their input into where they see our child post school. It takes a village/community to help raise our children and it definitely felt like that at the expo. Love St Lucy’s for investing time and taking onboard ideas.

St Lucy’s parent