St Lucy's School

A community enriched by difference

Post School Options

  • Support students and families with the transition planning process to post school opportunities
  • Connect students and families with services and community groups*
  • Provide information on relevant aspects of school to post school transition – NDIS, Centrelink, services
  • Term 1 Year 11, we introduced the ITP form and Initial transition Planning Form  *N.B Students ITP reports can be used by parents to present to NDIS LAC’s and NDIA planners to inform NDIS planning decisions
  • Working alongside Family Support Worker to inform families of NDIS information and
  • In Year 12, gather information on behalf of families for NDIS plan reviews such as NCCD adjustment forms, IEP/ITP’s, assessments, Tier 3 behaviour plans and other forms where required.
  • Develop relationships between the school service and community groups. E.g. expos

Recently attended a Post School Expo at St Lucy’s School. It was so well organised, not an overwhelming amount of service providers, but a well thought out selection. It was wonderful to see the teachers and staff collecting information about all the services. The teachers spend so much of their time with our children and we value their input into where they see our child post school. It takes a village/community to help raise our children and it definitely felt like that at the expo. Love St Lucy’s for investing time and taking onboard ideas.

St Lucy’s parent

Further Reading Suggestions: